Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cash in Our Chips

I have been told that in times of a good economy to invest in gold while the price is low, and when a recession hits, the gold prices will rise.  But I have no idea what to do in this recession when our treasuries are now under a shadow of doubt.  The idea I have is to cash in some of the favors we have done other countries.  How about this: if I fought a war on your behalf and you are now rid of your tyrant or dictator, you forgive me any debts I may owe you, and we'll call it even?  Because you know, we spend billions of dollars a week on some of your wars, so now you can actually come out ahead because we won't charge you for the cost of your war.
Darlene points out that other governments have neared the same crisis we now face without causing global collapse, but those other countries were not the only existing economic superpower in the world.  The collapse of the American economy would definitely have major global repercussions.  One can review the events of the biggest American bailout in US history and remember the rocking of the European and Asian markets as a result.  This is potentially colossally bigger.
Overall, I agree with Darlene Ohabughiro regarding our mounting debt crisis and the negative effect it may have on our foreign investors. She seems knowledgeable about her subject matter.  The picture is eye catching and there is a good flow to her blog.  However, there are no imbedded links in which to find more information on the subject or to verify her statements.  Also, there is no clear position in this blog and no suggested solution.  Her questions do stimulate conversation, however, which led me to post this blog.

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