Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Do It

USA Today wrote an editorial on July 5th regarding the hot topic of the “debt deal”, the agreement to raise the national debt ceiling, needed between Republicans and Democrats, by August 2nd to avoid default on a US loan.  The editorial is in favor of raising taxes as a compromise on behalf of Republicans, who in turn are refusing to budge on the tax issue and state that the Obama administration should cut it’s spending.
This editorial makes some good points about needing to compromise in time to make the deal and not default on the loan.  It’s not okay for either side to dig in their heels and refuse to compromise.  Our government was built on compromise and should continue doing so.  The fallout from defaulting on this loan is described as basically shutting down almost half of the government.
Irresponsible spending may have gotten the government to this point, but not just in the current administration.  Irresponsibility started with obtaining the massive loans in the last administration and the mess was left for President Obama to fix.  Hard decisions and a failing economy are what Obama inherited with his presidency.  The GOP needs to give in a little with the tax issue and the fat needs to be trimmed from government spending.  Both sides need to realize that it’s going to be a jagged pill to swallow in order to get this country back on its feet.  All Americans are going to need to suck it up a little, tighten the belts and make some sacrifices now, in order to avoid larger sacrifices later.
The intended audience of the author seems to be Democrats due to the bashing of Republicans.  The author's credibility is enhanced by graphs and knowledge of the current event.  The overall opinion of this author of being against the Republicans walking out of the debt discussion and not trying to come to an agreement is a sound one.  This is just a power struggle between political parties with no focus on the real issue – our economy.  What we need is for everyone to put on their big people hats and do what needs to be done to fix this mess.  Paying a little more in taxes is a lot better than standing in a bread line.

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